While blockchain history started in the early 1980's with building blocks (punt intended) such as Ralph Merkle's seminal hash trees, Lamport's, Shostak's & Pease's work on the Byzantine Generals Problem, basis for consensus protocols, then in 1993, Cynthia Dwork & Moni Naor's computing cost invention, cB has been a protagonist, mover & shaker in the industrial DLT (Distributed Ledger Technology) sector for the past 2 decades. Of note have been the world-first paper on decentralized money ("the money-poly conundrum", G. Di Noto, May 2008, ENV100 unit, Griffiths University, Australia), followed by the 2014 commercial release of NEXT+, the first-ever Distributed Ecosystem Management platform, including SKYE DLT protocol, with another seminal, peer-reviewed, paper in late 2017 setting the scene for unchained quantum-based DLT ("From Block to Bloch", G. Di Noto, T. Shrivastava, R. Bhatnagar, K. Chandrasekaran, U. Beyer, QTECH conference, Paris, July 2018).